“Card Tricks to Amaze and Entertain Friends and Family”
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This mathematical trick uses the metaphor of playing the piano to colourful effect and can be performed using any ordinary deck of playing cards
Method: The magician invites a volunteer to sit at a his table and to place his hands as if playing the piano.He then places two cards between the third and little finger of the volunteers left hand saying: ‘Here’s one pair’. Then another two cards between the third and second fingers saying:’Here’s another pair’. Next the magician puts two cards between the first and second fingers saying: ‘And here’s another pair’ Lastly, he places two cards between the volunteers forefinger and thumb saying: ‘And yet another pair here as well’.
The magician does the same with the volunteers right hand except this time he puts only one card between the thumb and forefinger stressing: ‘but this one is an odd card’.
The volunteer sees that there are four pairs of cards and the odd card has apparently vanished! The magician separates the other pile in the same manner and the volunteer sees that there is an odd card! – the illusion is complete – the odd card must have jumped across to the other pile!
How the Trick is Done
This trick works because of course earlier in the trick the volunteer is holding 4 pairs of cards in the left hand and 3 pairs and one odd card in the right. The cards are then divided into two piles of seven cards which the volunteer doesn’t notice because of the emphasis on pairs. When the odd card is added to a pile it turns it into an even numbered pile!
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