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Texas Holdem Poker Winning Tips & Tricks

For some people, their love of playing cards extends to the occasional game of poker including the increasingly popular game of Texas Holdem. As with all card games, there is no guaranteed way of winning but there are tips and tricks you can learn to improve both your enjoyment of the game and your chances of winning. We take a look at just a few of the well-known Texas Holdem tips for beginners.

Before the flop
One of the biggest mistakes beginners make in playing Texas Holdem poker is to try and play too many hands of cards. It is important to have an awareness of your position in relationship to the dealer – you will need a stronger hand of cards to play from an early position because there will be more players playing after you who may decide to raise or re-raise the pot. You have to be patient and wait for a good hands of cards that you can play from the best position possible.

The player to the left of the big blind is the first person to play before the flop. Both he and the other two players on his left are in the early position. The next three players are said to be in the middle position and of course the ones following that are in the late position. The blinds normally play last before the flop and first after it. The following are some ideas for recommended starting card hands and if you follow these, this will help you as a beginner poker player.

Texas Holdem winning tipsIn early position
Raise with Ace-Ace King-King and Ace-King suited from any position. Call with Ace-King, Ace-Queen suited, King-Queen suited and Queen-Queen, Jack-Jack and 10-10 but fold with everything else.

In middle position
Call with nine-nine, eight-eight, Ace-Jack suited, Ace-ten suited, Queen-Jack suited, Ace-Queen, King-Queen.

In late position
Call with Ace-anycard suited, King-ten suited, Queen-ten suited, Jack-ten suited, Ace-Jack, Ace-ten and small pairs. A stronger hand of cards is needed to call a raise than to make one and if there is a raise before it is your turn to play then you should probably fold.

PLEASE NOTE: All of the above tips and tricks are suggested in good faith and it is up to you whether you want to follow these recommendations. If you do so, it is entirely at your own risk. The owners of this website accept no responsibility whatsoever for any losses incurred due to following these recommendations.

“Card Tricks to Amaze and Entertain Friends and Family”

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