Fun for Family and Friends
Ace Inspector Spade
The effect and how the card trick is done:
The magician tells the audience a story about three incompetent German robbers from the town of Dusseldork in lower Bavaria represented by 3 nines. These are of course the three ‘neins’ the robbers used at their trial when asked if they were guilty of the crime!
The magician then explains that he will place the 3 robbers ie. the nines at the scene of the robbery which was a bank represented by the pack. As he tells this wild story, the magician places a nine on top of the deck, one in the middle, and one at the bottom. He then then places the Ace of Spades, which he says represents an ace cop from England: Inspector Spade, on the bottom of the deck.
The Magician then invites a spectator to cut the deck. When the deck has been cut, the magician takes it, and has a little fun asking if the spectators can hear the footsteps in the pack as Inspector Spade runs around rounding up the robbers!
The performer then turns the pack face up and looking through it, shows that the three nines (robbers,) are together with Inspector Spade (Ace of Spades) who has successfully rounded them up.
Before you begin the trick: secretly place the fourth nine on the bottom of the pack – this is the key to making this trick work.
Other Pre-arranged Card Tricks
“Card Tricks to Amaze and Entertain Friends and Family”
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